
Friday, May 23, 2014

4 Months

I keep writing these later and later, but at least they're getting done!

4 Months (April 17- May 16)
Little Moo rolled over this month! (Date) He did it probably 5 times the first day and hasn't done it since. I think because our floors are so hard and he bonked his head a couple times. But it was really nice because daddy and I were both there for it! Munchkin loves to babble, he talks more and more all the time. I love when he squeals and he has even giggled a few times. Moo is mostly down to 3 naps a day, but sometimes still sneaks a 20 minute cat nap at the end of the day. The best news this month? He slept through the night!!! (April 27) It happened 2 nights in a row and then we were back to twice a night. I'm beginning to think he'll be this way until he weans, he just loves to be comforted at night. After all, he is my social baby: he loves to be around people and gets lonely if you leave the room.

With Bug I was really strict about introducing solids, but I may have let Moo lick a piece watermelon this month! I'm really not sure if he liked it or not, I thought it would feel good since he's teething, but he's never had anything cold before so I think it surprised him.

We're working on sitting up, but it still requires a mountain of pillows! His favorite activity has to be standing. He loves to stand. And luckily he's pretty sturdy so I can support him with one hand while entertaining Bug with the other! He still isn't a fan of tummy time, but we keep practicing. He loves peek-a-boo... It is a sure fire way to get a smile! My favorite is when Bug plays peek-a-boo with him. They're so cute together.

Moo finally had his first doctor appointment! He came in at 14 lbs 14 ounces and 36 cm. He got his first set of shots and did awesome with them, so easily comforted afterwards!

Munchkin Facts
- wearing size 6 months clothes
- size 3 diapers
- finally starting to snuggle
- full of smiles all the time!


  1. Love the picture! He is so cute!!!!!

  2. (date).. haha i love you sister! and that is my favorite outfit!!!
