
Friday, September 12, 2014

Catching Up!

So I'm getting pretty behind... I figured I better get this posted before he turns 9 months old later this week!!!

7 Months (July 17 - August 16)

This month just flew by! Moo has been scooting around for a while, but actually started crawling on 8/1! He goes short distances - to reach a toy he wants or to sit at my feet :) but he hasn't started exploring the house yet.

Moo eats anything I put in front of him! He's starting to get frustrated with baby food and wants to feed himself everything. He loves cheerios and kix and the yogurt bites! He'll eat any fresh fruit - pears, peaches, bananas, etc. We're having a little bit harder time with veggies - not a huge fan of green beans, but he likes peas! He's definitely not a picky eater though and eats way more than Bug!

Moo loves to play cars, trains, and trucks. He even pushes them back and forth on the floor like they're driving! Sometimes he even tries to make engine sounds... but it's hard to decipher his baby babble, so that might be my imagination! Moo definitely says "mama" and "dada" now... although Daddy and I debate which one he actually said first with real understanding of what he said. I'm going with "mama" ;)

He is also pulling himself up on everything (8/4)! He doesn't quite have the hang of sitting back down, so this leads to quite a few bumps and bruises, but he loves standing! And he's so proud of himself when he does it! I think because he thinks he's a big boy like his brother!

Moo also had a well visit this month... yes, I'm very behind. Anyway, he weighs 18 pounds and again, they didn't give me the length. I feel like he is really long though. I guess I'll have to measure him myself! He finally got his 4 month immunizations, and handled them like a champ. Screamed through the whole thing, but as soon as I picked him up he calmed down and even smiled at the nurse on our way out!

Munchkin Moo Facts
- We're still not sleeping through the night... at this point I don't even think he's interested in milk, he just misses me!
- size 3 diapers
- growing out of the 9 month clothes... guess I'll be sorting through clothes soon!
- loves his brother and tries to be just like him!

8 Months (August 17 - September 16) - A few days early, I know...

Moo has been working on some more teeth, and they finally broke through!!! He got 3 teeth within a week! (Top Center Left -8/18 Top Center Right -8/20 Top Right 8/27) I kept thinking the top leftone would follow suit to even things up, but it's nowhere to be seen! I'm so glad that we have a little break from teeth though - Moo is not an easy teether.

I went back to work 8/25 and since Moo refuses to take a bottle, him and Daddy have had some rough nights. Although, on 8/30 Moo finally slept through the night! This is actually the second time this has happened - the first being in February and a complete fluke! I think the fear of being given a bottle is what has helped him decide waking up isn't worth it :) He doesn't sleep through the night regularly, but he is doing better and waking up less, with sporadic full nights sleep every now and again!

Moo is crawling everywhere and into everything! Him and Bug play chase - a game designed by Bug in which Bug finds a toy Moo will want, shows it to him and then runs away screaming "chase me!" They both laugh hysterically - it's adorable! Moo can also crawl up the stairs faster than I can pee... so luckily I found the baby gate :) On 8/3 Moo stood up on his own! It was for less than a minute, but his balance is getting really good! On the same day, he starting creeping on all the furniture. Looks like he'll be an early walker!

Meal time is probably one of Moo's favorite times of the day. He will eat anything (except for green beans and avocados). Unfortunately Moo is allergic to eggs... he immediately broke out in hives during breakfast. But other than that, he loves waffles with jelly, fruit, fruit and more fruit, pasta, potatoes, crackers... I'm thinking carbs might be a problem ;) He eats chicken, hamburger and beans. Loves tomatoes. He's really easy to feed - as long as you don't attempt baby food.

Moo is a screamer. Despite our best efforts to teach him volume control, he's a screamer. So, we've been working with Moo's signing and on 9/6 he did his first sign: "all done!" It was such a proud mama moment! I love watching him learn things and communicate. I'm hoping as he learns signs and eventually words, the screaming won't be necessary. Also, on 9/11 he waved at me for the first time! I can't believe how quickly he is growing up!

Munchkin Facts
- still in size 3 diapers
- 12 month clothes and they're not even big :(
- sleeping better at night, 2 short naps a day