
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Oops! It's been a while!

5 Months (May 17-June 16)
This month is a little fuzzy - sorry Moo! May 16 (actually still 4 months old... but I don't think I included this) Moo went on his first plane ride! It was a first for Bug and me as well - we flew first class! Thank you so much to my hubby who upgraded our tickets! Traveling alone with 2 kids cross country was horrible. None of it was really their fault, they're just kids and the flights were long. Which is why I thought booking red-eye flights would be helpful. The kids would just sleep, right? Wrong. Bug slept all of 15 minutes between the 2 flights and our landing at 2am (Mississippi time)... not a happy 2 year old. Moo did better, he nursed constantly and napped on and off but wasn't happy being worn and really wanted a bed. I snapped a picture with Moo and the pilot, a little tradition for their first flights. The captain let Bug wear his cover and sit in the cockpit! It was pretty cool :) So we got to vacation in California while Daddy finished packing the house and drove cross country!
We stayed at grandma and papa's house and got to visit auntie, uncle and our cousins! It was a lot of fun and a lot of crazy! Especially when all 8 cousins were together! It's so fun to be near family again! It's been a long time.
Moo got his first tooth this month! The lower right one...forgive me for not knowing the date :( I think it was around the 10th. We also started solids this month. For weeks Moo has been sticking his hands in my food and pulling my plate closer to himself. I wanted to wait until Daddy could be there for his first food, but then one night at church poor Moo broke my heart. I was eating dinner and he looked at my plate and looked at me and started crying. He was pouting his little lip and everything. I just couldn't resist anymore, I mean, he was hungry and I wasn't letting him eat because his daddy wasn't there. Not nice mommy. So I didn't even finish Bible study but left to get him some food. Poor hungry boy. His first food was carrots (June 4) and he seemed to like them - he ate about half the container!
He's getting better at sitting but still topples over often.
We finished off the month moving into our new townhouse - thanks to Grandma and Papa for practically doing all the unpacking! I don't know how I would have gotten it done without you - or how long it would have taken!

(I don't know why it cropped the picture like that, but I don't have time to keep messing with it! Enjoy his better half! haha)

Munchkin Facts
Up 1-2 times a night
Naps 2-3 times a day
6-9 month clothes, size 3 diapers

Halfty Birthday! (6 months June 17-July 16)
I wanted to do a really cute "halfty birthday" party for Moo with half a cake and everything, but I realized that I wasn't going to let him eat any of it and I was really working on losing the end of the baby weight, so I didn't. It's hard to believe that he's 6 months old already! But at the same time, I can't imagine our family without him and that he's only been here 6 months. He's growing up so fast! I can't believe it, but he's already attempting to crawl! He started getting up on all fours in the beginning of July, right before Daddy had to leave for 2 weeks. I thought for sure he would start crawling while he was gone, but he waited!!! I was really happy because Daddy missed out on a lot of Bug's firsts and so it's nice that he's actually around for Moo's. Moo's crawling attempts are slightly self destructive: he gets up on his hands and knees and then pushes his feet but his hands don't move so he ends up face planting. It makes him really mad. He also gets up on his hands and feet with his booty in the air and then shuffles his feet - super cute.
Moo had a terrible rash on his neck, chest and tummy. I finally got him to the doctor and it was "just eczema" as the doctor put it. Seriously one of the worst out breaks of eczema I've ever seen on an infant. Even now I've been treating it for weeks and it's just starting to heal. Poor itchy baby. At his appointment he was 17 pounds! I didn't get his length, which drives me a little crazy - I'm used to getting a growth sheet at the end of the appointment. Since starting solids Moo has been constipated :( so we're also trying to get him to drink some prune juice, pear juice, etc. The problem is he won't drink out of a bottle, or a sippy cup. We've tried so many cups it's ridiculous. Then one evening at Papa's baseball game, Moo got ahold of Bug's water and started gulping it down! It was a straw cup! I've since bought him a straw cup with a silicone straw and he has yet to really drink from it. I think he's perfectly capable of drinking from any of the cups, but just prefers mommy. Spoiled baby :)
As far as food goes this month, he loves mum-mums. He can hold them and feed himself, which he loves, and they dissolve in his mouth so he doesn't have to chew (which he doesn't) so I don't have to worry about choking! It's pretty much the only way I get to eat dinner! He's getting really good at his food net too! Especially if there's something delicious in it like watermelon!
I love his baby babble! It's getting pretty advanced and sometimes we wonder if he's really trying to say "mama" or "dada" but we're not officially calling any of it a first word. He says, "dadada, mamama, bla bla bla" He's also sitting like a pro and loves to sit to play.

Munchkin Facts:
Second Tooth (June 17 - bottom left)
Wearing 9 month clothes
Size 3 diapers
Everything goes straight to his mouth :)
He's up 1-2 times a night STILL (Anyone have suggestions??? I'm tired!!!)
2 naps a day
Eats anything I feed him, never really excited or upset about food choices