
Friday, January 31, 2014

New Baby, New Blog

I can't believe my little Munchkin is already 6 weeks old, it's amazing how time flies! I was able to blog the first year of Bug's life and it was one of my smartest decisions. It's amazing to go back and be able to remember that first precious year in such detail. I'm hoping to do the same for #2!

I woke up at 4:30am having moderate contractions, but I knew that this was the real thing. I waited in bed 20 min before waking Goose (I know he was the RIO, but I'm just not a huge fan of Tom Cruise). The contractions were like clockwork. I woke him up apologetically because I knew he had two big flights that day. He wanted me  to time them another 15 min before making any decisions. So 15 min later the contractions were still strong and consistent! He called to say he wouldn't be flying and we got up and got ready to go to the hospital. I was trying to wait until 6am to drop Bug off at a friend's because 5am is just so early! The drive to the hospital was not enjoyable. Contractions were coming every 5 min and sitting, strapped to a seat in a moving vehicle was not comfortable, to say the least. I was not smart enough to tour the hospital before going into labor, so it took a little while to find the right floor. When we arrived and I told them I was in labor, they clearly didn't believe me. They put me in an observation room to see if my contractions were "real." I think we checked in around 7:30am. My doctor finally came to check me at 8:45am and I was 100% effaced and 8cm. The contractions were strong but I was breathing through them. At that point they decided to admit me (finally, right?). Anyway, we had to change rooms and the walk down the hall was long... really long. I think it was 50ft and it took me a good few min to get there with all my contraction breaks. Once we got there the room looked like it was set up for a surgery. I don't remember all those instruments and staff being around the first time. Anyway, I decided to get into their giant soaker tub... more like Goose told me to get in and try to relax. He knows me so well. Laboring in the tub was the best thing ever. Goose was an amazing coach, helped me breathe through every contraction, and never left my side. I will always look on that time with fondness, despite the pain. All of a sudden it was time to push. There was no stopping it. I think I yelled something like, "I have to push" and the nurse came frantically in the bathroom saying something about not being allowed to deliver in the tub. Ok, I'll try to make it to the bed... on my way I had this incredible urge to poop. Goose was behind me and I told him to move out of the way. Then my water broke and I'm pretty sure everyone within a 5 ft radius was in the "splash zone!" After that I got in bed and I remember the nurse telling me not to push... sure, like it's something I had any control over. Two contractions later I heard my doctor's voice and magically I was allowed to push! I think it took 5 pushes to get little Munchkin out, but then he was here! I remember reaching for him because it looked like he was being handed to a nurse and then finally having him in my arms. The first thing I said was, "I love you, I love you so much." Followed by how cute he was and how much he looked like his brother. Goose actually cut the cord this time around which shocked me, because he seemed so freaked out the first time. Daddy didn't hold him until he had his bath :) but it was love at first sight for Daddy, he was smitten! 

Bug came to see his brother later that afternoon, and we got our first glimpse at being a family of 4. Bug was all over the place, getting into all sorts of things he shouldn't, luckily Munchkin was still pretty sleepy so I could focus keeping Bug out of trouble. He was excited to open his big brother gift and Daddy even let him hold his brother. It was a sweet moment. The next 2 days dragged on and on and on. I was ready to leave immediately but they have a 48 hour policy so I was stuck. But after what felt like an eternity in that small room with horrible food we were released!

Newborn (Dec. 17 - Jan. 17)
Goose and I debate on how to count the months and this really messed up my blog for Bug, so here's my thoughts: Munchkin was born 12/17 so he'll be one month old on 1/17, therefore the first 4 weeks of life I call "newborn" since he's not a month old. (You'd never tell someone your 2 week old is a month old). Goose says that weeks 1-4 are the first month of life and therefore should be labeled 1 month, as in the first month. I see both sides, however, it's my blog and my scrapbooks so we're counting my way ;)

Munchkin is a great nurser! I think it helps that I know what I'm doing, so even when he latches wrong I know better and can adjust it. He is such a sweet little boy, mostly just eating and sleeping, which is really nice because it still gives me one on one time with Bug! Bug is really good with "baby brudder" and is always wanting to snuggle him, give him kisses and touch his head. It's really sweet to see them together. Munchkin loves being held and often times naps in my arms, but he's content to be in his swing too (as long as it's not on!). I know it's normal for little boys to pee whenever they are exposed, but Munchkin doesn't do that, he poops! It's kind of hilarious and it happens everytime! At his four day appointment, Munchkin is already up to 7 pounds 10 ounces - almost his birth weight! I was relieved to hear that he's not jaundiced at all! Such a relief after the whole escapade with Bug. At his 2 week appointment they really only did a quick weight check and I couldn't believe it: 8 pounds 10 ounces! He'd gained a whole pound! He's already so much bigger than his brother was at this age!

Munchkin Facts:
He is a very noisy sleeper
He has to be rocked for 40 min to go to sleep in the day, but goes right to sleep at night!
He is already in size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes!
He hates getting his clothes changed, especially his arms being put in onesies
He hated his first bath, but is now starting to tolerate them