
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

3 Years

Ok... so Bug turned 3 about a month ago and I figured why not do a quick update on what he's been up to lately! (Not a summary of the last year, just what he's into now)

Bug loves to play! He loves trains, planes, cars, trucks - things with wheels and go, go, GO! Just like him, he's always on the go! He's a little ball of energy and doesn't rest unless the TV is on. He only gets to watch TV while brother takes his morning nap and as soon as Munchkin gets cranky, Bug is telling me that I should lay him down and he'll wait for me on the couch! haha He knows the routine! He loves to watch Thomas, BusyTown, Word World, "Silly Lizard," and Animal Planet. He also loves to sit and read books. He loves if I read to him, but is also satisfied to look at the pictures and make up his own stories.

Bug barely eats. He likes breakfast (cereal, waffles, yogurt and granola, FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT), he'll pick at lunch (pb&j, mac-n-cheese, chicken nuggets, crackers and cheese, FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT) and then doesn't touch dinner, probably because there's no fruit... but apparently a kid can grow on fruit and milk because he's 36 lbs and 3 ft 2 in. He's in the 60% for height and 80% for weight and all muscle!

He loves to pick on his daddy - mostly because he loves to be tickled and to wrestle. They have a great relationship and Bug wants to do everything daddy does.

Bug can count to 12, but has recently started struggling with 7-9... not sure why. He can say his ABCs and recognizes most of the letters. He's really good at blocks and puzzles. He loves craft time and can use scissors (with 2 hands... still working on that). Stickers are his favorite, and markers. He's started concentrating on coloring objects on the pages, but doesn't stay within the lines.

He's still very attached to his "nuggle" and still sucks his thumb when he's going to sleep or hurt or scared.

Bug tries to tell jokes or tells me things are funny. For example, there was a green grape in his bowl of red grapes and that was so funny, because "that green grape not supposed to be there mama." I wish I could think of some of the other things he tells me, he's really hilarious. He is so sweet too. He'll just come up to me and hug my legs and give me a kiss. He wants to curl up in my lap to read stories and still wants me to hold him when he wakes up! He can be such a joy and so easy, but we also have a few heart issues we're working on. Bug is very selfish, he doesn't want to share or take turns with his brother (he's better with kids his own age), he snatches toys and yells "MINE" all the time. His tantrums can be over-the-top dramatic and impossible to calm down. Some days are very trying, but for the most part he is our sweet, loving little boy.

He's potty trained, but not bowel trained. He wears a diaper to bed at night but undies all day and during nap. Yes, he stills naps. He generally naps for about 1-1.5 hours a day and then continues rest time with mommy when he wakes up - usually stories or snuggling.

 Some pictures from his Thomas and Friends Birthday :)

10 Months

10 Months (Oct. 17 - Nov. 16)

My baby is getting so big! He is walking everywhere now! He still crawls some, but generally only if he's fallen down a couple of times. He is super clumsy, I think because he's getting his molars... he face plants onto the train table, coffee table and floor all the time, although it could just be because he's still learning this whole balance thing. He has 8 teeth - hopefully I have dates written somewhere! (Sorry Munchkin, Mommy is trying to keep up!) He loves to play anything brother plays, but is also really into ball toys - like a fire truck that you put balls in the top and it drives, a giraffe that you put balls in and it sings, and an alligator that you put balls in and they roll out his mouth! He has added "roaring" to his vocabulary - lot of things roar: dinosaurs, lions, dolphins, flamingos... basically all animals roar! haha He's still a really big eater. We've started weaning him from nursing, he's not a fan. We gave him whole milk for the first time (11/15) and he did well with it. He's definitely not getting enough fluids, so I try to give him lots of watery fruits which seems to help. He's such a sweetheart, loves people and always has a smile! He lights up the room with his sweet laugh and thinks big brother is super funny!

Munchkin Facts
Still wearing size 3 diapers
Wearing 12 month clothes
Naps twice a day
Nursing 3 times a day
Loves mommy most :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

9 Months

9 Months (Sept 17 - Oct 16)

Honestly, this month was crazy and I don't have a lot of dates but here's what I know. Moo now has 7 teeth! He took his first steps on September 27, about half an hour after mommy left for work. I was so sad to miss out on such a big first, but was lucky enough to catch his second attempt a couple days later. He waves hi and signs all done. He loves food! He out eats his big brother everyday and sometimes gives me a run for my money! The other day we ordered pizza and I ate 2 pieces and Moo ate 1.5!!!! He loves to crawl, everywhere. He's into everything and curious about everything. We fondly call him our little troublemaker! His favorite food is probably bananas, he'll eat a whole one in minutes 2! He refuses to be spoon fed so I give him this fruit/veggie pouches - he can suck one of those down in less than 30 sec! He is still nursing 3-4 times a day, but is getting pretty good with his sippy cup too! He is trying to talk! He says mamma, dada, uh-oh, boo, i (hi), teet (tweet), anana (banana), car/plane noises and monkey noises. He takes 2 great naps a day and is generally a very happy baby. He hates being buckled in his car seat, but once he's in he is generally a good rider. He loves loves loves his mommy!!! I always need to be within sight, but preferably within reach! He loves to snuggle and wrestle. He wakes up with the sun and goes down with the sun.

Munchkin Facts
Size 3 diapers
Size 12 month clothes
Wants to do anything brother is doing
Won't sleep without his truck blanket
Drives cars and flies planes