
Friday, February 21, 2014

Bawentine Day

It has sort of become a tradition in our house to have a special Valentine's Day breakfast! Last year was the first year I did it and I choose breakfast because it was Bug's favorite meal. He loved it so much I did it again this year!

I decorated the table after the kids were in bed so that it would be a surprise in the morning! Bug was so excited when he woke up about all the "pink hearts." I explained it was Valentine's Day and that it was a special day to show the people around us that we love them and I made him this special table and breakfast because I love him. He told me, "I luv bawentine day mommy!" It was so sweet!

Monday, February 17, 2014


Can you believe it's that time again?!?! Baby Munchkin is already 2 months old! So here's what happened last month...

1 Month (Jan. 17-Feb. 17)
I feel like I've worked really hard this month on regulating Munchkin's metabolism and getting him to learn a few self-soothing techniques. It's been a ton of work, but it's finally paying off! He's on about a 3 hour schedule during the day and gets up twice during the night - that's an ideal day though. We still have lots of days where he's wanting to eat every 2.5 hours and at least one nap a day that I have to wake him up because he wants to sleep too long. And there have been a couple really bad nights, but we're getting there! In fact, there were two nights that he went to bed around 9pm and woke up at 5am! I'll be praying for more of those! I don't even want to talk about "the 45 minute intruder" during nap time... that's been bad!
Around 6-7 weeks old Munchkin-Moo got what I thought was baby acne... then it spread to his chest and I thought it was just a contact rash from his soap or something. Come to find out he has a moderate case of eczema and once I started treating him for that, he was a happier baby! In fact, he love his lotion and gets excited when I put it on! He also wants to be naked all the time - I don't know if that's just him or because the eczema is so itchy!
He smiled for the first time (1/27). He doesn't give those smiles up easily though, you really have to work for them! He's a pretty serious little boy. Observant. He likes to look around and just take everything in. I love it when he decides to talk to me :) His little baby coos are so precious - and rare. But I think that's because his brother is ALWAYS TALKING! haha
 He now loves bath time! He kicks his feet and chats and looks at the big kitchen light. I rarely have the energy at the end of the day after getting Bug to bed to give Munchkin a bath, but I dig down deep and do it because it's one of his favorite things and one of the only things (besides nursing) that we bond over. Plus clean baby smells so good! Although, I just figured out that his soap gives him a rash... so no more baths til I can find a more gentle soap (probably tomorrow!)
Big brother loves his little brother! He gets so excited when "brudder lookin atch you" and loves to say "what wrong brudder" when he's crying. Bug gives him kisses everyday and shows him all his favorite toys (mostly Dusty and Echo from Planes, but also his garbage truck and fire truck) They are really cute together :)

Munchkin Facts:
Munchkin still has blocked tear ducts. I'm really hoping that they'll open soon so that we can avoid surgery. 
He has started to enjoy looking at the toys on his floor gym (2/7)
Does really well with tummy time - he's very strong and can hold his head up for a long time!
Wears size 2 diapers and 3 month clothes
Munchkin really likes this little vibrating bird toy - he's surprised everytime it goes off!